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Op vele vilderijen werden ook dode honden en katten gevild. In onder andere Duitsland moesten de vilders niet alleen de wilde honden en katten vangen, maar ze ook doden. Als er sprake was van een enkele hond of kat werd deze verdronken of meestal met één klap doodgeslagen. Bij een grotere aantallen werden de dieren vergiftigd of met koolmonoxide vergast. In Frankrijk werden levende zwerfhonden en katten eerst naar een speciale “opvang” gebracht, waar ze werden afgemaakt en naar de vilder gebracht. In Parijs verzamelden de voddenrapers de dode honden en katten en brachten ze naar de vilderijen.. “Verse” honden- en kattenkadavers werden niet alleen gevild maar ook zorgvuldig uitgeslacht. Om de bout niet meer als dat van een hond of kat herkenbaar te laten zijn, werden de onderpoten, de kop en de staart er afgesneden. Alleen verse kadavers kond men zo “verhandelen” en daarom vingen de voddenrapers ook honden en katten, die ze dan levend en wel naar de vilders brachten. Op de vilderijen waren dan ook geregeld vastgebonden honden en katten wachtend op hun trieste lot. Niet zelden werden deze dieren ook door rondzwervende “honden- en kattenmeppers” aan de vilders verkocht.
Hondenleren handschoenen
Het schijnt dat hondenvellen zeer geschikt waren voor het maken van handschoenen. In Duitsland was het in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw heel gebruikelijk, dat de vilders verplicht waren om jaarlijks de stads- en dorpsbestuurders hondenleren handschoenen te geven.
Dog and cat skins
On many knackeries also dead dogs and cats were skinned. In Germany the Skinners not only had to only capture the wild dogs and cats, but they have also to kill them. If there was only a single dog or cat was the animal drowned or hit mostly with one beaten to death. At a larger numbers of the animals they were poisoned or gassed with carbon monoxide. Stray dogs and cats living in France were brought first to a special "care", where they were killed and then brought tot he knackery. In Paris the rags-collectors collect the dead dogs and cats and took them to the knackeries. "Fresh" dog and cat carcasses were not only skinned but also carefully slaughtered. To reach that the quarter was not anymore recognizable as that of a dog or cat the lower leg, the head and tail cut off . Only fresh bodiescould be traded and therefore the rags caught the dogs and cats aliveand took them still alive and well tot he knackeries. On the knackeries were regularly tied up dogs and cats waiting for their sad fate.
On many knackeries also dead dogs and cats were skinned. In Germany the Skinners not only had to only capture the wild dogs and cats, but they have also to kill them. If there was only a single dog or cat was the animal drowned or hit mostly with one beaten to death. At a larger numbers of the animals they were poisoned or gassed with carbon monoxide. Stray dogs and cats living in France were brought first to a special "care", where they were killed and then brought tot he knackery. In Paris the rags-collectors collect the dead dogs and cats and took them to the knackeries. "Fresh" dog and cat carcasses were not only skinned but also carefully slaughtered. To reach that the quarter was not anymore recognizable as that of a dog or cat the lower leg, the head and tail cut off . Only fresh bodiescould be traded and therefore the rags caught the dogs and cats aliveand took them still alive and well tot he knackeries. On the knackeries were regularly tied up dogs and cats waiting for their sad fate.
Gloves made of dogs-leather
it seems that dogs leather was very suitable for making gloves. In Germany it was very common in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, that the skinners were obliged to provide every year the city- and villagedirectors with dogs leather gloves.
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